Forest Imprint Watercolours
Intermediate • Ages 8 to 12
August 18 to 22 (5 mornings)
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
$298 + GST
There is something significant about creating art in nature. The physical act of grounding yourself, feeling the grass between your toes and touching terra firma is both soothing and inspiring at the same time.
Building on the success of our nature print mugs created by students for last year’s scholarship fundraiser, we wanted to expand the canvas. We’ll venture into the great outdoors with art materials in tow to capture the beauty of our surroundings. On arrival at one of nature’s urban beauty spots, Christianne will do a watercolour demonstration, showcasing the fluidity of this art medium; students will then be free to start planning their own designs, before collecting materials to incorporate into their work.
We’ll highlight the importance of natural diversity, encouraging participants to reflect such multeity in their work. Back at the Lyceum we’ll let our work dry, allowing the anticipation to build until we can peel off our nature print materials and reveal a truly unique work of art.
Students will select their favourite piece to frame for a short art show at the end of the week, taking home the rest of their work in a hand crafted artist's portfolio.