Becorns Call Down the Birds
by David Bird’s Irresistible World of Becorns
Primary/Intermediate • Ages 5 to 12
July 2 to 4 (3 afternoons)
1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
$185 + GST
Inspired by artist David Bird and his “little acorn people living big lives”, this camp is brand new on the Lyceum roster. We’ve had so much fun exploring these original creations made from tiny acorns, and exhibiting larger than life personalities. Previously a designer for LEGO, it’s no surprise that David’s taken to building tiny captivating creatures to photograph in the wild. He’s a creator dedicated to detail, whether with 3D plastic or natural materials.
After familiarizing ourselves with some of David’s DIY video clips and calendar ‘Becorns’, Christianne will guide the group through making their own. We’ll study local tree seeds, finding ways to tease out the personality that these found nature objects might hold (be it acorns, conkers, or pine cones, or maple seed wings).
Of course they’ll need something to help root them in nature, a place they can use to lean on after a long day of exploration. For this purpose exactly, we’ll fashion small bird feeders out of upcycled and discarded teacup sets, before attaching our becorns in place to perch.
Whether they sit on a fencepost at home, or find their way to a friend, family member or loved one, be sure to visit often…they must just share a tale or two about all the places they’ve been.