Special Events at the Lyceum

Next Event
Pysanky for the Family
April 18th
9 am to 4:30 pm

Pysanky for the Family
Friday, April 18th
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
$150 + GST
(individuals also welcome, parents attend at no charge)

If you’ve never come across these mesmerizing creations before, then we’re sure you’ll be completely enchanted by their incredibly intricate patterns. The origins of Pysanky are sometimes hard to pin down, with different stories pertaining to the year it began. Regardless of exact dating, we are grateful for their existence in the modern world.
In Ukraine, the symbolism of the egg continues long after Easter with some people in rural areas putting the shells in cattle feed to make them stronger for the coming year. Others choose to place one egg in each of the four corners of their house to bring good luck!
During this, the first day of the Easter holiday, we invite you to story, design and dye your own pysanky eggs. With kistkas, beeswax, delicate blown eggs and flame, we will embark on a multi-step wax resist and dyeing journey to “write” our own one-of-a-kind egg treasures. This class is designed in the spirit of family togetherness, so if you have the day off work, you are welcome to make it a family affair and attend with your child.
We’ll take regular breaks to share traditional stories and take inspiration from the designs of others. This class will revel in the beauty of tradition; make sure you’re here to enjoy it with us!
Note: This day can be included as one of the 5 or 10 spring break bargain rate options. Click here for Spring Break Details!

Meet the Author
Jen Sookfong Lee
How Pop Culture Broke My Heart
April 24th, 2024

You can register in four ways:
By calling 604 733 1356
By emailing lyceum@christiannehayward.com
By visiting 4433 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC
By chanting the magic words at the stroke of midnight
Please make sure you read our registration policies and procedures.