Word Collectors
This is an introductory writers’ workshop for little ones who like to play with words as ways of expressing themselves. Provocations will be given to help our young writers engage with words in many ways – by writing them, by drawing them, by speaking them aloud – all with the purpose of introducing children to the magic of writing! This class is suitable for children at any stage, from those who are brand new to letters to those who are already writing sentences.
A scene from the Word Collectors class, where students are exploring the art of poetry and learning about stanzas.
Term dates
Kindergarten & Grade 1
Fridays 4:00PM to 6:00PM
Winter: January 10 to March 14 (10 sessions)
Cost: $620 + GST
In the winter we'll discover the wonders of a short story.
Looking ahead to next term...
Kindergarten & Grade 1
Fridays 4:00PM to 6:00PM
Spring: April 4 to June 20 (10 sessions)
Note: no class on April 18
Cost: $620 + GST
Each spring we work around the students' chosen theme to create beautiful handmade books for participants to sell and get the taste of what it's like to be a published author.