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Harry Potter Sleepover

Preteen & Teen • Ages 10+

August 16 and 17 (1 overnight)

6:00 PM to 11:00 AM

$165 + GST

What could be better than getting together with a group of people who are just as fanatical about Harry Potter as you are?! There is something truly magical about shared experiences like these, and we feel passionately that they’re not to missed. 


You can drop your witch or wizard off as the clock strikes 6:00 PM then officially switch into ‘do not disturb mode’. We’ll make sure there’s enough food to feast on (with intermittent treat breaks as the night progresses), and enough materials to build castle nooks that would rival the ones in Hogwarts. Each camper will be invited to make their own broom, complete with flashlight, for an epic game of night Quidditch. 


We’ll be watching the later movies, diving into the deeper meaning behind friendships, trust and the internal battles that often take place between what is easy, and what is right.


In the morning, bleary eyed, but still in possession of their powers, we’ll invite campers to tuck into a berry waffle breakfast before handing them back to you.

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